School Lunch

Are You Getting Ready For Back to School?

A fun and hot summer is beginning to wind down. Parents spend a lot of time and money preparing their kids for that time of year again…back to school! Buying new school supplies, haircuts and new wardrobes is just a few expenses. However, as summer is ending, one of the most important things to think about is getting back into a routine.  At Peter and Pauls EventCatering we understand how hard it is to get kids back into “school mode”.  We’re here to help! We have put together some tips and tricks to assist with one of the most stressful parts of each week; the planning and preparation of the dreaded packed lunches. The better you plan at home, the healthier the choices will be for your kids

  1. Pack Balanced Lunches the Night Before – Don’t leave lunch packing to the last minute, this usually results in unhealthy choices.  Pick a time after dinner to pack your child’s container for the next day.  Try to include a fruit, vegetable, protein, whole grain and a fun snack! *Recipe Idea: Takeaway Tacos – these include the perfect mix of every food group. They are healthy, fun and sure to fill your child’s tummy.  Simply pack in a bento box container and it’s ready to go!
  2. Make Extra! – When preparing dinner, consider what you can utilize for tomorrow’s lunch.  If you are cooking chicken breast or grilled veggies, double the recipe that way you have enough to create healthy lunch options for the whole family. *Recipe Idea: Leftover chicken salad sandwiches.  These are as delicious and easy as 1,2,3.  Mix together the leftover chicken, veggies and some mayo with salt and pepper to taste. Serve it up on your bun of choice.
  3. Snack Shelf – Clear off a shelf in your pantry and make it accessible to the kids.  Fill this shelf with healthy snacks so that your child can take from here when hungry.  Additionally, you can also grab and go when packing lunches. It’s a win, win! *Snack Ideas: Applesauce, granola bars, dried fruits and crackers.
  4. Breakfast is Essential – Make sure you’re filling your grocery cart with healthy and wholesome breakfast foods like eggs, fruits, yogurt and whole grain breads.  These are great ingredients for creating balanced breakfasts to keep your children full and energized.  *Recipe Idea: Scrambled eggs with whole grain toast and a banana.  
  5. Preparation is Key – Kids are more likely to snack on healthy items when they are readily available.  After getting home from the grocery store, wash and pre-cut all vegetables and fruits and package them in airtight containers in your fridge.  This is a great solution for the whole family so that when hungry they can grab celery sticks or apple slices, rather than chips and other junk foods.

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