corporate holiday party

Planning A Corporate Holiday Party?

What is the most important part of planning a corporate holiday party? With the holidays quickly approaching, this question is most definitely on the brain. At byPeterandPauls.com we know that planning a corporate holiday party isnt always a walk in the park.  There are so many things to consider! Which is why we have put together a list with the 5 W’s to make planning easy! Let us take a weight off your shoulders, so you can sit back enjoy the Christmas tunes!

WHO is invited?  

Depending on your budget, holiday party planning can be costly.  The easiest way to keep your party in budget is limiting the number of people invited.  Many companies limit their holiday parties to employees only, however a growing number of businesses are now extending the invite to spouses and family members as well.  If budget allows this can be a kind gesture as it allows employees to engage without feeling like they are missing out on “family time”.  This can be especially true when the party is held in the evening hours.  Think about what is important for your company and invite accordingly

WHAT is provided?

The main attraction at any party is almost always the food.  Which is why many employers choose their venue accordingly or have the food catered.  The biggest questions still remains – will you provide alcohol and entertainment? Some options to controlling alcohol consumption are providing drink tickets or sending out reminders to have a designated driver. Whatever your decision, ensure that there is guidelines in place to keep all guests safe. When it comes to entertainment, it is great to look into different options to keep your guests excited and engaged.  Will you provide music for dancing? Will there be performers or will you look into bringing in activities? Just because it is a corporate holiday party, does not mean that it can’t be fun!

WHERE is the party happening?

In recent years many companies have been taking their holiday parties off site to restaurants, venues or hotels. Some employers opt on hosting at a venue that includes activities or can accommodate enough room for entertainment. To keep in budget for small companies, hosting at someone’s residence and having food catered can be a more affordable option.

WHEN is the party happening?

Most employers choose the second or third week in December as their ideal time to host their holiday party. When it comes down to the days of the week, Friday and Saturday evenings are growing in popularity. However, companies who have employees working different shifts may choose the lunch hour to give every employee equal opportunity.  Companies who are experiencing their busy time in December, may also choose to postpone their holiday party to January to avoid added stress and costs. Consider all factors before strategically picking the best day for your company.

WHY is the party happening?

Aside from the festive nature of the season, a holiday party is also a great time for employers to show appreciation to all their hard working employees.  After all, who doesn’t love free food, entertainment and prizes! A great way to show appreciation is with party favours or raffle prizes. Get creative and think about gifts that people will be excited to receive, that way it will encourage participation! Consider all the reasons why your company is hosting and make sure that whatever the reason you’re celebrating, all your guests are having a great time.

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