signature cocktail
Thinking about creating a signature cocktail? What are they? Easily put, a signature cocktail is an original drink. It is created to express the originality and personality of the person (or couple) creating it. Why does this matter to you? We’re glad you asked. Signature drinks have a long and exciting history.  M
engagement party
Do You Want to Plan the BEST Engagement Party? The easiest way to plan an engagement party; whether you are the couple of the hour or not, is to pick a theme that accurately reflects the personalities of the future Mr. and Mrs. At byPeterandPauls.com we plan events all year every year, it’s what we do, so we understand h
New Years Eve
The Top New Years Eve Party Themes The end is near. The end of 2016 that is! We want to make sure that you are ringing in the new year with a BANG! New Years Eve is one of the biggest nights of the year when it comes to parties and events.  This night is supposed to be magical, unforgettable, fun, and crazy! It’s a nig
Looking for the Perfect Honeymoon Destination? After the stress and joy of planning your dream wedding, the next question to ask yourself is: where will we honeymoon? At byPeterandPauls.com we know that the destination you honeymoon at is almost as important as the wedding itself.  It is a time to spend some stress free
wedding officiant
Finding the perfect wedding officiant In the midst of all the food, flowers, venues and outfits you may be forgetting something crucial. You may be forgetting a wedding officiant and picking one may be harder than you think.  It has the potential to make or break your big day.  Now, now we get it! Being in the events b
wedding budget
Creating A Realistic Wedding Budget When all’s said and done, every bride and groom wants their dream wedding but everything comes with a price tag.  We get it, this can be a stressful process. Not to worry we’re only here to help! byPeterandPauls.com has put together a few suggestions that will help create a rea
School Lunch
Are You Getting Ready For Back to School? A fun and hot summer is beginning to wind down. Parents spend a lot of time and money preparing their kids for that time of year again…back to school! Buying new school supplies, haircuts and new wardrobes is just a few expenses. However, as summer is ending, one of the mos